Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim
Vysim pateik Sovvaļnīks / Everyone likes music

Agneška izkuop nu autobusa Reigys storptautyskajā autoūstā. Jai juoteik da Rēzeknis, i jei brauks ar viļcīni “Reiga–Zylupe”. Jei nūpierk beletu elektroniski i atrūn eistū peronu.
Tikkū kai Agneška īkuop viļcīnī i īsakuortoj braucīņam, jei sajam viesti nu Gundegys:
– Vasala, Agneška! Miseja izpiļdeita – beleti iz koncertu ir nūpierkti! Es byušu kūpā ar sovim draugim Viktoru i Inaru. Piec koncerta varēsim dūtīs pagasteit pi Inarys bruoļa juo lauku sātā.
Agneška cīši prīcojās, ka satiks Gundegu i īsapazeis ar Viktoru i Inaru. Vēļ ari Odums ir Rēzeknē! Agneška nu sajiusmys navar mīreigi nūsēdēt i suoc runuot ar sūpluok sādūšū:
– Atlaidit, ceru, ka jiusu natrauceju, asu cīši prīceiga! – Agneška soka latgaliski. Jei pirmeit dzierdēja, ka jis runoj pa telefonu latgaliski.
– Nā, nicik natraucejat, – sūpluok sādūšais drupeit sirdeigi nūvalk. Nasaruoda, ka jis grib sasarunuot. Bet Agneška tuo namona.
– Ak, cik labi! Mani sauc Agneška. Kai sauc jius?
– Khem… loba dīna, mani sauc Juoņs.
– Vai jius braucat iz Rēzekni?
– Es braucu iz Zylupi…
Agneška, kū tuoļuok, tū vaira kreit sūpluok sādūšajam Juoņam iz nervu. Jis nav īrads sasarunuot ar svešinīkim sabīdryskajā transportā.
– Es gon braucu iz Rēzekni! Tī es satikšu sovus latvīšu-latgalīšu, amerikaņu i krīvu draugus. Mes vysi kūpā īsim iz Sovvaļnīka koncertu.
– Eistyn? Iz Sovvaļnīka koncertu? – Juoņs atsadzeivoj. – Maņ cīši pateik Sovvaļnīks! Kurei ir tova mīluokuo Sovvaļnīka dzīsme?
– Maņ pateik “Vysi vieji”.
– Ai, tei jau mīreiga, – soka Juoņs i atsvīž ar rūku. – Tai nav eistyna roka garšys. Pasaver lobuok itū, – jis soka i attaisa telefonā dzīsmis “Latgola” videoklipu.

At Riga International Coach Station, Agnieszka gets off the bus. She has to get to Rēzekne, and she’s going to get the Riga-Zilupe train. She buys a ticket electronically and finds the right platform.
As soon as Agnieszka has got on the train and settled in for the journey, she receives a message from Gundega.
‘Hi Agnieszka! Mission accomplished – we’ve bought tickets for the concert! I will be with my friends Viktor and Ināra. After the concert we can go and visit Ināra’s brother at his place in the country.’
Agnieszka is very pleased that she will see Gundega and meet Viktor and Ināra. What’s more, Odums is in Rēzekne too! Agnieszka is so delighted that she can’t sit quietly and starts to speak to the man sitting next to her.
‘Excuse me. I hope I’m not bothering you, but I’m very happy!’ Agnieszka says in Latgalian. She heard before that the man was speaking on the phone in Latgalian.
‘No, you’re not bothering me at all,’ the man grunts, a little morosely. It doesn’t seem like he wants to have a chat, but Agnieszka doesn’t notice.
‘Oh, that’s great! My name’s Agnieszka. What’s your name?’
‘Ahem, hello, my name’s Jānis.’
‘Are you going to Rēzekne?’
‘I’m going to Zilupe.’
Agnieszka is getting on her neighbour Jānis’s nerves more and more. He’s not used to chatting to strangers on public transport.
‘I am going to Rēzekne! I’m meeting my Latvian-Latgalian, American and Russian friends there. We’re all going to a Sovvaļnīks concert together.’
‘Really? To a Sovvaļnīks concert?’ Jānis comes to life. ‘I really like Sovvaļnīks! What’s your favourite Sovvaļnīks song?’
‘I like ‘Vysi Vieji’.’
‘Oh, that one‘s pretty soft,’ says Jānis, throwing up his hands. ‘It doesn’t have a real rock feel. Take a look at this one instead,’ he says, going to the video for ‘Lotgola’ on his phone.

Vysys nūdalis / All chapters
1. nūdaļa / Chapter 1
- 1.1.1. Agneška meklej draugu / Same job, new people
- 1.1.2. Agneška meklej draugu / Same job, new people
- 1.1.3. Latgaliska īsapazeišona / How you doin'?
- 1.2.1. Kū ād tigri? / What do tigers eat?
- 1.2.2. Kū ād tigri? / What do tigers eat?
- 1.2.3. Aizdavumi / Exercises
- 1.3.1. Babeņas dzimšonys dīna / Granny's birthday
- 1.3.2. Babeņas dzimšonys dīna / Granny's birthday
- 1.3.3. Muna saime / My family
2. nūdaļa / Chapter 2
- 2.1.1. Kur vuiceitīs latgalīšu volūdu? / Where can you learn Latgalian?
- 2.1.2. Kur vuiceitīs latgalīšu volūdu? / Where can you learn Latgalian?
- 2.1.3. Cik breineiga mebele! / The carpenter's pick-up line
- 2.2.1. Vacais krāslys / The old chair
- 2.2.2. Vacais krāslys / The old chair
- 2.2.3. Listening exercises
- 2.3.1. Gostūs iz Daugovpili / A trip to Daugavpils
- 2.3.2. Gostūs iz Daugovpili / A trip to Daugavpils
- 2.3.3. Puoruok daudz monta / Too much stuff!
3. nūdaļa / Chapter 3
- 3.1.1. Īsim iz veikalu? / Let's go shopping!
- 3.1.2. Īsim iz veikalu? / Let's go shopping!
- 3.1.3. Londonā vysod lej leits / It's always raining in London
- 3.2.1. Atsapyusšona katedralē / A rest at the cathedral
- 3.2.2. Atsapyusšona katedralē / A rest at the cathedral
- 3.2.3. Listening exercises
- 3.3.1. Gundegys ceļuojums / Gundega's journey
- 3.3.2. Gundegys ceļuojums / Gundega's journey
- 3.3.3. Tigrys i snīgs / Tiger and snow
4. nūdaļa / Chapter 4
- 4.1.1. Kas juojam leidza? / What do we need?
- 4.1.2. Kas juojam leidza? / What do we need?
- 4.1.3. Zyvu zupa / Fish soup
- 4.2.1. Breineiga kopejneica / A café full of surprises
- 4.2.2. Breineiga kopejneica / A café full of surprises
- 4.2.3. Listening exercise
- 4.3.1. Sīvīšu sarunys / Among the women
- 4.3.2. Sīvīšu sarunys / Among the women
- 4.3.3. Izaklausa gordai! / Sounds delicious!
5. nūdaļa / Chapter 5
- 5.1.1. Amerikys rodi / American relatives
- 5.1.2. Amerikys rodi / American relatives
- 5.1.3. Šudiņ īt švaki / I'm not okay today
- 5.2.1. Tigrim garšoj rūkys / Tigers eat arms
- 5.2.2. Tigrim garšoj rūkys / Tigers eat arms
- 5.2.3. Listening exercise
- 5.3.1. Īsim pi uorsta / We need a doctor's appointment
- 5.3.2. Īsim pi uorsta / We need a doctor's appointment
- 5.3.3. Slimeibys / Illnesses
6. nūdaļa / Chapter 6
- 6.1.1. Krāslys ir nūzogts / Somebody stole a chair
- 6.1.2. Krāslys ir nūzogts / Somebody stole a chair
- 6.1.3. Tu bīži syrdīs? / Are you often angry?
- 6.2.1. Policejis īcierknī / At the police station
- 6.2.2. Policejis īcierknī / At the police station
- 6.2.3. Listening exercise
- 6.3.1. Seneja draudzine / An old friend
- 6.3.2. Seneja draudzine / An old friend
- 6.3.3. Lels namīrs / Lots of worries
7. nūdaļa / Chapter 7
- 7.1.1. Krāsla pīdzeivuojumi / The chair's adventures
- 7.1.2. Krāsla pīdzeivuojumi / The chair's adventures
- 7.1.3. Līne gaida ryndā / Liene is waiting in line
- 7.2.1. Gars braucīņs / A long trip
- 7.2.2. Gars braucīņs / A long trip
- 7.2.3. Listening exercise
- 7.3.1. Īlyugums / An invitation
- 7.3.2. Īlyugums / An invitation
- 7.3.3. Kaida ir tova piļsāta? / What is your city like?
8. nūdaļa / Chapter 8
- 8.1.1. Vysim pateik Sovvaļnīks / Everyone likes music
- 8.1.2. Vysim pateik Sovvaļnīks / Everyone likes music
- 8.1.3. Cīši daudz hobeju / Many hobbies
- 8.2.1. Vysi sasateik Latgolā / Everyone meets up in Latgale
- 8.2.2. Vysi sasateik Latgolā / Everyone meets up in Latgale
- 8.2.3. Listening exercise
- 8.3.1. Jauna i lela saime / A new family
- 8.3.2. Jauna i lela saime / A new family
- 8.3.3. Kas aizraun sirdi? / What excites you?