Oratastic▸Latgalian for beginners▸ 2.1.3.
Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim
Cik breineiga mebele! / The carpenter's pick-up line

- @ruditis: Kura ir tova mīluokuo mebele?
- @lieneliene: Oho, lobs sarunys īsuokums! Nazynu… varbyut krāslys? Maņ sātā ir cīši mīls, meiksts klubkrāslys. Es tymā parosti siežu, kod losu.
- @ruditis: Loba izvēle! 😊 Prosu partū, ka asu gaļdnīks. Zynu, ka izaklausa sovaiži, bet maņ eistyn pateik mebelis.
- @lieneliene: Interesanti! Cik seņ tu esi gaļdnīks?
- @ruditis: Pīcus godus profesionali, bet muns tāvs ari ir gaļdnīks, i es jau nu bārna kuojis jam paleidzieju.
- @lienelien: Taitod tev cīši pateik goldi… 😀
- @ruditis: Pateik gon! 😀 Asu pats sataisejs vysus goldus myusu sātā. Bet es vēļ grybātu īsavuiceit taiseit skapus. Maņ cikom kas eisti nasaīt tai, kai es grybātu.
- @lieneliene: Hm. Cik sarežgeitus goldus tu taisi? Tys ir, voi iz tūs goldu ir kaidi izgrīzumi i ornamenti?
- @ruditis: Ornamentus taisu reši, bet bīži veidoju naparostys kuojis. Tys gon juodora cīši viereigi i izmaneigi, cytaiži golds var palikt bez leidzsvora i apsaguozt.

- @ruditis: What’s your favourite piece of furniture?
- @lieneliene: Oh, good conversation starter! I don’t know… maybe a chair? At home I’ve got a lovely soft armchair. I usually sit in it when I’m reading.
- @ruditis: Good choice! 😊 I’m asking because I’m a carpenter. I know it sounds strange, but I really like furniture.
- @lieneliene: Interesting! How long have you been a carpenter?
- @ruditis: Five years professionally, but my dad was a carpenter too and I started helping him when I was still a child.
- @lieneliene: So you really like tables… 😀
- @ruditis: I really do! 😀 I made all of the tables in our house. But I’d like to learn how to make cupboards too. At the moment I haven’t really learnt how to do it the way I want.
- @lieneliene: Hmmm. How complicated are the tables you want to make? Like, is there some kind of engraving and ornamentation on them?
- @ruditis: I rarely make engravings, but I usually make the legs unusual. You really have to do that very carefully, otherwise the table will be wobbly.
Vysys nūdalis / All chapters
1. nūdaļa / Chapter 1
- 1.1.1. Agneška meklej draugu / Same job, new people
- 1.1.2. Agneška meklej draugu / Same job, new people
- 1.1.3. Latgaliska īsapazeišona / How you doin'?
- 1.2.1. Kū ād tigri? / What do tigers eat?
- 1.2.2. Kū ād tigri? / What do tigers eat?
- 1.2.3. Aizdavumi / Exercises
- 1.3.1. Babeņas dzimšonys dīna / Granny's birthday
- 1.3.2. Babeņas dzimšonys dīna / Granny's birthday
- 1.3.3. Muna saime / My family
2. nūdaļa / Chapter 2
- 2.1.1. Kur vuiceitīs latgalīšu volūdu? / Where can you learn Latgalian?
- 2.1.2. Kur vuiceitīs latgalīšu volūdu? / Where can you learn Latgalian?
- 2.1.3. Cik breineiga mebele! / The carpenter's pick-up line
- 2.2.1. Vacais krāslys / The old chair
- 2.2.2. Vacais krāslys / The old chair
- 2.2.3. Listening exercises
- 2.3.1. Gostūs iz Daugovpili / A trip to Daugavpils
- 2.3.2. Gostūs iz Daugovpili / A trip to Daugavpils
- 2.3.3. Puoruok daudz monta / Too much stuff!
3. nūdaļa / Chapter 3
- 3.1.1. Īsim iz veikalu? / Let's go shopping!
- 3.1.2. Īsim iz veikalu? / Let's go shopping!
- 3.1.3. Londonā vysod lej leits / It's always raining in London
- 3.2.1. Atsapyusšona katedralē / A rest at the cathedral
- 3.2.2. Atsapyusšona katedralē / A rest at the cathedral
- 3.2.3. Listening exercises
- 3.3.1. Gundegys ceļuojums / Gundega's journey
- 3.3.2. Gundegys ceļuojums / Gundega's journey
- 3.3.3. Tigrys i snīgs / Tiger and snow
4. nūdaļa / Chapter 4
- 4.1.1. Kas juojam leidza? / What do we need?
- 4.1.2. Kas juojam leidza? / What do we need?
- 4.1.3. Zyvu zupa / Fish soup
- 4.2.1. Breineiga kopejneica / A café full of surprises
- 4.2.2. Breineiga kopejneica / A café full of surprises
- 4.2.3. Listening exercise
- 4.3.1. Sīvīšu sarunys / Among the women
- 4.3.2. Sīvīšu sarunys / Among the women
- 4.3.3. Izaklausa gordai! / Sounds delicious!
5. nūdaļa / Chapter 5
- 5.1.1. Amerikys rodi / American relatives
- 5.1.2. Amerikys rodi / American relatives
- 5.1.3. Šudiņ īt švaki / I'm not okay today
- 5.2.1. Tigrim garšoj rūkys / Tigers eat arms
- 5.2.2. Tigrim garšoj rūkys / Tigers eat arms
- 5.2.3. Listening exercise
- 5.3.1. Īsim pi uorsta / We need a doctor's appointment
- 5.3.2. Īsim pi uorsta / We need a doctor's appointment
- 5.3.3. Slimeibys / Illnesses
6. nūdaļa / Chapter 6
- 6.1.1. Krāslys ir nūzogts / Somebody stole a chair
- 6.1.2. Krāslys ir nūzogts / Somebody stole a chair
- 6.1.3. Tu bīži syrdīs? / Are you often angry?
- 6.2.1. Policejis īcierknī / At the police station
- 6.2.2. Policejis īcierknī / At the police station
- 6.2.3. Listening exercise
- 6.3.1. Seneja draudzine / An old friend
- 6.3.2. Seneja draudzine / An old friend
- 6.3.3. Lels namīrs / Lots of worries
7. nūdaļa / Chapter 7
- 7.1.1. Krāsla pīdzeivuojumi / The chair's adventures
- 7.1.2. Krāsla pīdzeivuojumi / The chair's adventures
- 7.1.3. Līne gaida ryndā / Liene is waiting in line
- 7.2.1. Gars braucīņs / A long trip
- 7.2.2. Gars braucīņs / A long trip
- 7.2.3. Listening exercise
- 7.3.1. Īlyugums / An invitation
- 7.3.2. Īlyugums / An invitation
- 7.3.3. Kaida ir tova piļsāta? / What is your city like?
8. nūdaļa / Chapter 8
- 8.1.1. Vysim pateik Sovvaļnīks / Everyone likes music
- 8.1.2. Vysim pateik Sovvaļnīks / Everyone likes music
- 8.1.3. Cīši daudz hobeju / Many hobbies
- 8.2.1. Vysi sasateik Latgolā / Everyone meets up in Latgale
- 8.2.2. Vysi sasateik Latgolā / Everyone meets up in Latgale
- 8.2.3. Listening exercise
- 8.3.1. Jauna i lela saime / A new family
- 8.3.2. Jauna i lela saime / A new family
- 8.3.3. Kas aizraun sirdi? / What excites you?