
Latgalian for beginners – 4.2.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Breineiga kopejneica / A café full of surprises


Gundega salīk mugorsūmu i īt uorā nu vīsneicys. Jei lieni pasastaigoj pa Poznaņu i pamona, ka piļsātā ir daudz interesantu kopejneicu. Vacpiļsātā jei īrauga veganiskū kopejneicu. Jei īt jimā vydā.

Gundega izavielej gaļdeņu pi lūga. Jei nūlīk mugorsūmu sūpluok iz krāsla i gaida, kod jū kaids apkolpuos. Dreiži pi gaļdeņa atīt jauna sīvīte kuplim, sprūguotim motim. Jei atnas iedīņkarti i soka Gundegai:

– Loba dīna!

– Loba dīna! – Gundega atsoka i izbreinuota verās iz jaunū sīvīti. – Jius runojat latgaliski?

– Nui, īraudzeju nūzeimeiti iz jiusu sūmys, – soka oficiante.

Gundega pasaver iz sovys sūmys: jei Daugovpilī nūpierka nūzeimeiti “Latgola ruļavoj!”.

– Bet kai jius zinit latgalīšu volūdu?

– Mani sauc Agneška. Es studeju baltu filologeju, i latgalīšu volūda maņ cīši pateik, – Agneška stuosta. – I kai latgalīšu volūdu zinit jius?

– Mani sauc Gundega, asu nu Reigys. Muns veirs beja nu Latgolys.

– Ak itai. Prīcojūs īsapazeit! Kū varu jums pīduovuot?

Gundega īsaver iedīņkartē.

– Kū jius maņ īsaceitu?

– Vyss ir gataveits nu augu izceļsmis produktu. Iedīņu sastuovā ir vysaidi duorzuoji, augli… Kotrā ziņā paraugit maizeiti ar burkuonlasi i šokoladis peirāgu ar vīšņom, juoņūgom i meļneicom.

Gundegai pīduovuojums pateik. Jei pasyuta iedīni i piec tuo suoc sarunu ar Agnešku.


Gundega packs her backpack and goes out of the hotel. She walks slowly through Poznań, and notices that there are lots of interesting cafes in the city. In the Old Town she spots a vegan cafe and goes in.

Gundega chooses a little table by the window. She puts her backpack on the chair next to her and waits for someone to serve her. Before long, a young woman with thick curly hair comes to her table. She has brought the menu, and she says to Gundega:

‘Loba dīna!’

‘Loba dīna!’ Gundega replies and looks at the young woman in surprise. ‘You speak Latgalian?’

‘Yes. I noticed the badge on your bag,’ says the waitress.

Gundega glances at her bag: in Daugavpils she had bought a ‘Latgola ruļavoj’ (Latgale rocks) badge.

‘But how come you speak Latgalian?’

‘My name is Agnieszka. I study Baltic philology and I really like the Latgalian language,’

Agnieszka says. ‘And how come you speak Latgalian?’

‘My name is Gundega, I’m from Riga. My husband came from Latgale.’

‘Oh, I see. It’s nice to meet you! What can I get for you?’

Gundega looks at the menu.

‘What would you recommend?’

‘Everything is made from plant-based products. The ingredients are various kinds of fruit and vegetables… You should definitely try the sandwich with carrot salmon, and the chocolate cake with cherries, currants and blueberries.’

Gundega likes this suggestion. She orders the food, and after that continues the conversation with Agnieszka.

Vysys nūdalis / All chapters