
Latgalian for beginners – 5.1.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Amerikys rodi / American relatives


Viktors sovā dorbavītā Daugovpiļs Universitatē nūskaidroj, ka cikom kas vuiceitīs latgalīšu volūdu tīšsaistē nav vareibys. Jis ir biedeigs i roksta viestuli Odumam.

– Voi Odums apsarunuoja ar babu par emigriešonu iz ASV, – napacīteigi vaicoj Inara.

– Odums roksta, ka Fortvortā, kur jis dzeivoj, jis nivīna latgalīša voi kaida cyta latvīša napazeist. Babeņa īsaceja pavaicuot tim, kas organizej nūmetnis Garazarā voi Katskiļūs, – Viktors atsoka.

– Zynoms, Amerika ir lela vaļsts. Asu jau vaicuojuse, bet nivīns nikuo nazyna. Ruodīs, Jākubs ar saimi devēs dzeivuot iz Amerikys dīnavydu. Varbyut jis nūbrauce iz Dīnvydameriku? Jākuba sīvu sauce Sarmeite. Jākubs i Sarmeite Pūrmali. Jim beja meita Māreite, – Inara stuosta.

Viktors pasaver iz biedeigū sīvu i nūsprīž vēļ reizi aizraksteit Odumam:

– Muna sīva Inara vēļ reizi lyudz, lai tu apsarunoj ar sovu babu. Pavaicoj, voi jei pazeist Jākubu i Sarmeiti Pūrmaļus. Jim beja meita Māreite.


At his workplace, Daugavpils University, Viktor finds out that for the moment it’s not possible to study Latgalian online with the university. He’s sad about this, and writes a message to Odums.

‘Has Odums spoken to his grandmother about her emigration to the US?’ Ināra asks impatiently.

‘Odums wrote that in Fort Worth, where he lives, he doesn’t know a single Latgalian or anyone from the other parts of Latvia. His granny recommended asking the people who organise camps at Garezers or in the Catskills,’ Viktor replies.

‘Of course, America is a big country. I’ve already asked, but no one knew anything. I think Jēkabs and his family went to live in the south of the US. Maybe he went to South America? Jēkabs’ wife was called Sarmīte. Jēkabs and Sarmīte Pūrmalis. They had a daughter, Mārīte,’ Ināra says.

Viktor looks at his dejected wife and decides to write to Odums again.

‘My wife Ināra has asked again if you could have a word with your grandmother. Please ask if she knows Jēkabs and Sarmīte Pūrmalis. They had a daughter, Mārīte.’

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