
Latgalian for beginners – 6.2.1.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Policejis īcierknī / At the police station


Gundega ir policejis īcierknī. Jai ir baist. Policists daudz vaicoj. Kur Gundega jēme krāslu? Gundega atroda krāslu iz ustobys viersa. Tys beja storp veira montu. I nu kurīnis veirs tū krāslu dabuoja? Jei nazyna. Tys beja seņ – Gundegys veirs nūmyra pyrma pīcu godu. Policists soka, ka jī izdareis krāslam ekspertizi.

“Cik ilgi tys byus?” vaicoj Gundega. Policists atbiļd, ka redzēs, varbyut dažys stuņdis, varbyut dažys dīnys. Lai Gundega pagaida cikom kas ite.


Gundega is at the police station. She is scared. The policeman asks a lot of questions. Where did Gundega get the chair? Gundega found a chair in the attic. It was among her husband’s belongings. And where did her husband get that chair? She doesn’t know. That was a long time ago – Gundega’s husband died five years ago. The policeman says that he will do an examination of the chair.

“How long will it be?” asks Gundega. The policeman says that he’ll have to see, maybe a few hours, maybe a few days. Gundega should wait here until then.

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