
Latgalian for beginners – 5.3.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Īsim pi uorsta / We need a doctor's appointment


Gundega sajam ziņu nu Viktora, ka juos šmukais krāslys ir atjaunuots. Jei otkon taisuos braukt iz Daugovpili. Niu jau jei tī sasajiut gondreiž kai sātā. Eipaši tod, kod gastej pi Viktora i Inarys.

– Atlaidit, Gundega! Naīspieju dreižuok pabeigt krāslu. Es sastīpu mugoru, – piec vakareņu Viktors prosa pīdūšonys.

– Ak voi! Mugora! Bet byus labi. Krāslys ir atjaunuots taišni laikā. Naseņ atsagrīžu nu Poznanis, deļtuo dreižuok navarieju atbraukt. Voi sajēmet munu e-posta viestuli?

– Nui, sajiemu! Paļdis par pīduovuojumu! Mums ar Inaru tys cīši pateik, – Viktors soka, i Inara energiski maun ar golvu.

– Puorbaudeišu mugoru pi uorsta, tod ari vysu izdūmuosim.

– Voi pi jiusu ite, Daugovpilī, ir lobi mugorys uorsti? – vaicoj Gundega.

– Nui, pyrma gon īšu pi saimis uorsta ite pat, Daugovpiļs slimineicā. Vizeite ir paradzāta iz cytys nedelis.

– Pruoteigi, cīši pruoteigi, – Gundega aizadūmoj. – Ari maņ vajadzātu pīsasaceit pi saimis uorsta iz veseleibys puorbaudis vizeiti. Par veseleibu juoguodoj laiceigi!

– Voi kas nūpītnys? – sasatraukuse vaicoj Inara.

– Nā, tikai vīgla aritmeja, i redze palīk švakuoka. Byus vajadzeigi stypruoki okuleri i recepte deļ zuoļu, – Gundega soka i maina tematu. – Bet kai tod izaver krāslys? – Jei izlīk okulerus i apsaver krāslu nu vysu pušu.


Gundega receives a message from Viktor, saying that her beautiful chair has been restored. She gets ready to go to Daugavpils again. She already feels at home there – especially when she’s staying with Viktor and Ināra.

‘I’m sorry I wasn’t able to finish the chair quicker, Gundega! I strained my back,’ Viktor apologises after dinner.

‘Oh no, your back! But it’s OK. The chair has been restored just at the right time. I’ve recently returned from Poznań, so I would not have been able to come sooner. Did you receive my email?’

‘Yes, we did! Thanks for the suggestion! Ināra and I like it very much,’ Viktor says, and Ināra nods vigorously.

‘I will go to see the doctor about my back, and then we can pick a date.’

‘Do you have access to good back doctors here in Daugavpils?’ asks Gundega.

‘Yes, first of all I will go to the GP here, at Daugavpils hospital. The appointment is scheduled for next week.’

‘Sensible, very sensible,’ Gundega says thoughtfully. ‘I should also make an appointment with my GP for an annual check-up. You shouldn’t put off taking care of your health.’

‘Is there anything serious?’ Ināra asks in a concerned tone.

‘No, just a slight arrhythmia and my vision is getting worse. I will need stronger glasses and a prescription for medicine,’ Gundega says and changes the subject. ‘So how does the chair look now?’ She puts on her glasses and inspects the chair from all sides.

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