
Latgalian for beginners – 6.1.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Krāslys ir nūzogts / Somebody stole a chair


Gundega i Inara īt īsapierkt. Viktors pa tū laiku īt dušā, vyngroj i paād reitiškys. Piec tuo jam juosadūd iz sovu mebeļu restauriešonys darbneicu. Tī jis aizrauteigi struodoj, partū napamona, ka darbneicā īīt divi policisti.

– Loba dīna, – jī soka. – Inspektors Buļš i inspektors Ludbuoržs, Vaļsts policeja, Latgolys regiona puorvaļde, Daugovpiļs īcierknis.

– Loba dīna! Kai varu jums paleidzēt?

– Nu Latgolys kulturviesturis muzeja Rēzeknē nūzogts antiks krāslys, – inspektors Buļš izjam nu malnys mapis biļdi. – Šakur, itaids. Voi jiusu darbneicā itaids nav pasaruodejs?

Viktors pajam rūkuos karteņu i ryupeigi tū apsaver. Krāslys biļdē ir cīši leidzeigs tam krāslam, kū Gundega atvede restaurēt. Viktors ir šokā: varbyut Gundega ir nūzīdzneica… Bet, nā, tys navar byut! Gundega ir cīši pateikams cylvāks! Vystik Viktors navar maluot policistim i soka:

– Leidzeigu krāslu naseņ restaurieju. Tys niu ir munā sātā, i pi myusu gastej juo eipašneica.

– Lyudzu, nūvedit myus iz sovu sātu, lai varim krāslu apsavērt.

Kod Viktors īsarūn sātā kūpā ar divejim policistim, jis izstuosta Gundegai i Inarai, kas nūtics. Policisti apsaver krāslu i soka Gundegai:

– Jums juobrauc mums leidza iz īcierkni. Mes jimsim leidza ari krāslu.

– Ak voi! – Gundega īsasauc i sasyt plaukstys.


Gundega and Ināra go shopping. Meanwhile, Viktor has a shower, exercises and eats breakfast. After that, he has to go to his furniture restoration workshop. There he works enthusiastically and so doesn’t notice when two police officers come into the workshop.

‘Hello,’ they say. Inspector Buļš and Inspector Ludboržs, State Police, Latgale region force, Daugavpils police station.’

‘Hello! How can I help you?’

‘An antique chair has been stolen from the Latgale Culture and History Museum in Rēzekne, – Inspectors Buļš takes a picture out from a black folder. ‘Look, this one. Has anything like this come into your workshop?’

Viktor takes the image in his hands and inspects it carefully. The chair in the picture is very similar to the chair that Gundega brought to him for restoration. Viktor is shocked: if Gundega is actually a criminal… But no, that’s not possible! Gundega is very nice!

But Viktor cannot lie to the police officers and says ‘I recently restored a similar chair. It’s at my house at the moment and the owner is staying at ours.’

‘Please take us to your house so we can have a look at the chair.’

When Viktor arrives home together with two police officers, he tells Gundega and Ināra what has happened. The police take a look at the chair and say to Gundega:

‘You will have to come along to the station with us. We’ll take the chair along too.’

‘Oh no!’ Gundega exclaims and clasps her hands together.

Vysys nūdalis / All chapters