
Latgalian for beginners – 3.1.1.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Īsim iz veikalu?


Inara stuosta, ka parosti Viktors nasauc iz sātu klientus, bet parosti ari nivīns nu Reigys nabrauc. Viktors īt iz darbneicu, i juos palīk divejuos. Gundega grib apsavērt piļsātu i īsapierkt. Inara gryb paruodeit jai centru i driebu veikalus. Vokorā Gundega brauc paceli, bet piec diveju nedeļu krāslys byus restaurāts i jei byus atpakaļ.


Ināra tells that Viktor usually doesn’t invite clients home, but usually nobody comes from Rīga. Viktor goes to the workshop and the two of us stay. Gundega wishes to see the city and go shopping. I want to show her the city centre and our clothing shops. Gundega is leaving in the evening, but after two weeks the chair will be restored and Gundega will be back.

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