
Latgalian for beginners – 1.1.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Agneška meklej draugu / Same job, new people


Agneška nūslauka kopejneicys gaļdeņus. Piec tam jei nūslauka slapņuos rūkys prīškautā i pasaver iz kopejneicu. Tei ir tukša. Jei attaisa telefonā latgalīšu īsapazeišonys aplikaceju “Cymuss”. Agneška napacīteigi grib izzynuot, voi kaids jai ir atsasaucs.

  • @ andrisnuLatgolys: vasala! kai iit? kuu dori?

“Tys nav originali,” Agņeška padūmoj. Jei grauž eikša nogu i dūmoj, kū atsaceit. Tod jei sajam jaunu viesti, bet kopejneicā īīt klients i pasyuta kopeja leidza jimšonai. Jei nūlīk telefonu i sataisa kopeja. Kod klients izīt uorā nu kopejneicys, Agneška pajam telefonu i suoc skaiteit.

  • Agneška: Loba dīna! Mani sauc Agneška, asu nu Pūlejis. Kai sauc tevi? Kur tu dzeivoj?
  • @lieneliene: Vasala! Mani sauc Līne, es dzeivoju Latvejā, Kruoslovā. Mani cīši interesej, kū pūlīte dora latgalīšu īsapazeišonys portalā. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Pastuosti, kū tu dori breivajā laikā. 🙂
  • Agneška: Vasala! Es studeju baltu filologeju Poznanis Universitatē, i maņ cīši pateik latgalīšu volūda. Vysā naseņ suoču izmontuot īsapazeišonys aplikaceju. Niu asu dorbā – struodoju vīnā nu pyrmūs veganiskūs kopejneicu Poznaņā! 😎 Kū breivajā laikā dori tu? Voi tev ir kaids hobejs? Voi tu struodoj?

Agnieszka wipes the cafe tables. When she’s finished, she dries her wet hands on her apron and has a look around the cafe. It’s empty. She opens the Latgalian dating app Cymoss on her phone. Agnieszka is impatient to find out if someone has replied to her.

  • @andrisnoLatgales: hey! how’s it going? what are you doing?

“That’s not very original”, Agnieszka thinks to herself. She chews on a thumbnail and thinks about what to reply. She receives a new message, but just then a customer comes in and orders a coffee for takeaway. She puts her phone down and makes the coffee. When the customer goes out of the cafe, Agnieszka picks up her phone again and starts to read.

  • Agnieszka: Hello! My name is Agnieszka, I’m from Poland. What’s your name? Where do you live?
  • @lieneliene: Hi! My name is Liene, I live in Latvia, in Krāslava. I’m very interested to know what a Polish girl is doing on a Latgalian dating site 🙂 🙂 🙂 Tell me what you do in your free time 🙂
  • Agnieszka: Hi! I study Baltic philology at the University of Poznań, and I really like the Latgalian language. I’ve only very recently started using this app. I’m at work now – I work at one of the first vegan cafes in Poznań! 😎 What about you – what do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? Do you have a job?

Vysys nūdalis / All chapters