
Latgalian for beginners – 6.2.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Policejis īcierknī / At the police station


Gundegai ir baist. Iecirknis ir drūms, pelēks un neviesmīlīgs. Juos krāslys ir koč kur nūnasts, i policists golda preteimā pusē aizpylda veidlopu.

– Kai jius sauc? – jis sirdeigi pavaicoj.

– Gundega Blumberga.

– Kur jius dzeivojat?

– Reigā.

– Kaida ir jiusu adrese?

– Maja īla 5.

– Kur jius jēmet itū krāslu?

– Kaidu dīnu es izdūmuoju apsavērt, kas stuov pi mane iz ustobys viersa. Muns veirs Arnolds beja mebeļu restaurators, i juo darbneicā beja daudz lītu. Kod suoču tuos vērtīs, atrodu itū šmukū krāslu.

– Kod jiusu veirs itū krāslu atnese iz sātu?

– Ak, ituo es eistyn naatguodoju.

– Voi tys beja itūgod?

– Nā, kotrā ziņā nā. Arnolds, muns veirs, pyrma pīcu godu nūmyra.

– Jiutu leidza, – vys vēļ draudeigi nūsoka ūsainais inspektors. – Pagaidit drupeit ite.

Golvonais inspektors Graudeņš izīt nu dryumuos ustobys, bet dreiži viņ atsagrīž kūpā ar inspektorim Buļu i Ludbuoržu.

– Vajadzēs kaidu nalelu laiceņu pagaideit, cikom krāslam izdora ekspertizi, – golvonais inspektors Graudeņš soka. – Par tū laiku es aizdūšu jums vēļ kaidus vaicuojumus.

– Labi, – soka Gundega, bet pi seve nūdūmoj: “Nicik nav labi, nicik.”


Gundega is frightened. Her chair has been taken away somewhere, and the police officer on the other side of the table is filling in a form.

‘What’s your name?’ he asks roughly.

‘Gundega Blumberga.’

‘Where do you live?’

‘In Riga.’

‘What is your address?’

‘5 Maija Street.’

‘Where did you get the chair?’

‘One day I decided to look and see what was in the attic. My husband Arnolds was a furniture restorer, and he had many things in his workshop. When I started to look through them, I found that beautiful chair.’

‘When did your husband bring the chair home?’

‘Oh, I really don’t remember.’

‘Did it happen this year?’

‘No, definitely not. Arnolds, my husband, died five years ago.’

‘My condolences,’ says the moustached inspector, his voice still menacing. ‘Please wait here for a moment.’

Chief Inspector Graudiņš goes out of the gloomy room, but quite soon returns together with Inspector Buļš and Inspector Ludboržs.

‘You will need to wait for a little while, while we carry out the examination,’ says Chief Inspector Graudiņš. ‘Meanwhile, we will ask you a few more questions.’

‘OK,’ says Gundega, but she thinks to herself: Not OK at all, not OK at all.

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