
Latgalian for beginners – 3.2.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Atsapyusšona katedralē / A rest at the cathedral


Nedelis golā Gundega brauc iz Poznaņu. Piec garuo braucīņa ar autobusu Gundega dūdās iz vīsneicu i atsapyuš. Ir vosora, i dīna ir cīši korsta. Viejs napyuš. Bet Gundega vystik īt apsavērt piļsātu i izbaudeit vīnu nu sovu interešu – arhitekturu.

Gundega verās kartē i staigoj pa Poznanis vacpiļsātu. Tod jei atīt iz Ostrów Tumski. Prīškā jei radz grandiozū Poznanis katedrali. Gundegai ir korsts, jei grib atpyutynuot kuojis. Deļtuo jei īīt katedralē. Tī ir vāss. Gundegai pateik, kai saule speid cauri kruosainūs stikleņu. Breineigi!

– Zīmā ite drūši viņ ir solts, – padūmoj Gundega. Jei nūsastuoj katedralis vydā i verās iz augstajim, gondreiž bezgaleigajim grīstim. – Tok itys smiļkšu kruosys tūņs vysu padora syltu.

Nu uorīnis katedrale izavēre eistyn īspaideigi, bet Gundegu apbur taišni vyds. Jei kuorteigi apsaver vysys karaļu kopa vītu skulpturys, vitražys i muokslys dorbus. Jei atžiergst i otkon dūdās pa īlom.


At the weekend, Gundega goes to Poznań. After the long bus journey, Gundega goes to the hotel and relaxes. It’s summer, and the day is very hot – there’s no wind. But despite this, Gundega goes out to explore the city and to indulge one of her interests: architecture.

Gundega studies the map and walks around Poznań Old Town. Then she gets to Ostrów Tumski, and in front of her she sees the magnificent Poznań Cathedral. Gundega is hot and wants to rest her feet, and so she goes into the cathedral. Inside, it’s cool. Gundega likes how the sun shines through the colourful stained glass. Beautiful!

It must be cold here in winter, thinks Gundega to herself. She stands in the middle of the cathedral and looks up to the high, almost endless ceilings. But this sandy beige tone makes everything seem warm. From the outside the cathedral looks really impressive, but it’s the inside that captivates Gundega. She fully investigates all the sculptures around the resting places of kings, as well as the stained glass and artworks. She recovers her energy and goes back into the street.

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