
Latgalian for beginners – 7.3.1.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Īlyugums / An invitation


“Poznaņā es satyku vīnu pūlīti, kurei runuoja latgaliski!” Gundega stuosta Viktoram i Inarai. “Jei paaicynuoja mani iz koncertu Rēzeknē – varbyut braucam vysi kūpā?” Viktors i Inara pīkreit. Agneška piec tam var braukt leidza ceļuojumā pa Latgolu. Jī vysi var atbraukt gostūs pi Inarys bruoļa. Agneškai byus interesanti – jei grib vairuok runuot latgaliski i īsapazeit ar kulturu. Viktors nūpierk treis beletus iz Sovvaļnīka koncertu.


“In Poznań I met a Polish woman who spoke Latgalian!” Gundega tells Viktor and Ināra. “She invited me to a concert in Rēzekne – maybe let’s go all together?” Viktor and Ināra agree. Agnieszka can then take a trip around Latgale. They can all visit Ināra’s brother. It will be interesting for Agnieszka – she wants to speak more Latgalian and get acquainted with the culture. Viktor buys three tickets to the Sovvaļnīks concert.

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