
Latgalian for beginners – 4.3.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Sīvīšu sarunys / Among the women


Agneška atnas Gundegys pasyutejumu. Kopejneicā cikom kas cytu klientu nav. Agneška atsasāst pi Gundegys gaļdeņa. Juos apsaver iedīņkarti.

– “Lass” ir taiseits nu burkuonu. Falafelu gatavej nu turku zierņu, pīterseiļu i sezama sāklu. Bet šokoladis peirāgā ir avokado, – stuosta Agneška.

– Cik interesanti! Maņ garšoj! – Gundega soka. – Soki, Agneška, kai tu itik labi īsavuiceji latgalīšu volūdu?

– Es treniejūs, – Agneška īsasmej. – Šakur, es paruodeišu. – Jei izvalk nu kuldys telefonu i ruoda Gundegai īsapazeišonys aplikaceju. – Ite es sasarokstu ar latgalīšim, eipaši maņ pateik vīns. Jū sauc Odums. Jis dzeivoj Teksasā i runoj latgaliski!

Gundega ir prīceiga īsapazeit ar Agnešku. Dreiži byus vokors, i kopejneicā īīt apmaklātuoji. Gundegai juosadūd iz autobusu, lai brauktu iz sātu. Gundega i Agneška apsamaina telefona numerim, e-posta adresem i atsavasaloj. Kod Gundega jau ir pi izejis durovu, Agneška nazkū atguodoj i sauc:

– Gundega, mums kotrā ziņā byus juonūbrauc iz koncertu “GORĀ”!

– Sarunuots, – Gundega maun ar rūku. – Iz dreizu sasatikšonu, Agneška!


Agnieszka brings Gundega’s order. For the moment there are no other clients in the cafe. Agnieszka takes a seat at Gundega’s table, and they examine the menu.

‘The ‘salmon’ is made from carrots. The falafels are made from chickpeas, parsley and sesame seeds. As for the chocolate cake, that has avocado in it,’ explains Agnieszka.

‘How interesting! It all looks tasty!’ Gundega says. ‘Tell me, Agnieszka, how did you learn Latgalian so well?’

‘I practise,’ Agnieszka laughs. ‘Here, I’ll show you.’

She takes her phone from her pocket and shows Gundega the dating app.

‘I exchange messages with Latgalians on here. There’s one I especially like. His name is Odums – he lives in Texas and speaks Latgalian!’

Gundega is happy to have met Agnieszka. Soon it will be evening; customers come into the cafe. Gundega has to go – she has to get the bus back home. Gundega and Agnieszka exchange telephone numbers and email addresses and say their goodbyes. When Gundega is already by the door, Agnieszka remembers something and calls out:

‘Gundega, we will definitely have to go to a concert at GORS!’

‘It’s a deal!’ Gundega waves. ‘See you soon Agnieszka!’

Vysys nūdalis / All chapters