
Latgalian for beginners – 7.2.2.

Latgalian for beginners / Latgalīšu volūda suociejim


Gars braucīņs / A long trip


Agņeška paaicynoj Odumu iz Sovvaļnīka koncertu Rēzeknē. Odims pīkreit braukt. Jam cīši pateik sasaraksteit ar Agnešku, i jis grib īsapazeit ar jū ari kluotīnē. Taipat jis grib redzēt babenis bārnu dīnu zemi. Jis ir apsūlejs babeņai safotografēt vysu, vysu!

Tai Odums sarunoj dorbā atvalinuojumu i pastuosta prīšknīkam, kur dūsīs.

– Breineigys breivdīnys! Gaideisim atpakaļ! – soka laipnais prīšknīks. Odums soka paļdis par vieliejumu i dreiži viņ jau ir ceļā.

Braucīņs ir gars i gryuts. Odumam nu Fortvortys ir juoteik Dalasā, tod – Čikagā. No tīnis jam juolidoj iz Kopenhagenu, i tikai tod jis ir Reigā. Jis nav kuorteigi izaguliejs i ir pīkuss, tok grib dreižuok tikt da Rēzeknis. Lidūstā “Reiga” jis apsamaļdej, partū ka navar atrast sabīdryskuo transporta pīturys.

– Sokit, lyudzu, kur ir autobusu pītura, – Odums vaicoj garumguojiejai.

Piedodiet, es nesaprotu, – jei atsoka. – Maybe you speak English?

Odums, zynoms, runoj angliski i nūskaidroj, ka jam juopierk e-talons i tod juobrauc iz Reigys centru ar 22. autobusu. Odums gona dreiži saprūt, ka vītejī namuok latgalīšu volūdys.

Odums atrūn autoūstu i dūdās pi kasis:

– Maņ, lyudzu, vīnu beletu da Rēzeknis.

Autobusā Odums aizmīg i nūguļ vysu ceļu.


Agnieszka invites Odums to a Sovvaļnīks concert in Rēzekne, and Odums agrees to come along. He really likes exchanging messages with Agnieszka, and he wants to get to know her in person too. He also wants to see the land of his granny’s childhood. He has promised Granny to take photographs of everything – everything!

So Odums arranges to take a holiday from work, and tells his boss where he’s going.

‘Have a nice holiday! We’ll look forward to having you back again!’ says his amiable boss. Odums says thanks for the good wishes, and pretty soon he’s on the road.

The journey is long and tiring. From Fort Worth, Odums has to travel to Dallas and then to Chicago. From there he has to fly to Copenhagen, and only from there can he fly to Riga. He has not slept properly and is tired, so he wants to get to Rēzekne quickly. At Riga Airport he gets lost, because he can’t find the public transport stop.

‘Could you tell me where the bus stop is?’ he asks a passer-by (in Latgalian).

Piedodiet, es nesaprotu’, she replies (in Latvian). ‘Maybe you speak English?’

Odums, of course, speaks English and finds out that he will have to buy a public transport card and then get bus 22 to the centre of Riga. Odums quite quickly realises that none of the locals here speak Latgalian.

Odums finds the bus station and goes to the ticket office.

‘One ticket to Rēzekne, please’

On the bus Odums drops off, and remains asleep for the whole journey.

Vysys nūdalis / All chapters