
Norwegian pronunciation course

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Norwegian pronunciation course​

Welcome to NorFon: the online course that will help you with Norwegian pronunciation sound by sound, word by word, and phrase by phrase!

Price: 20 EUR per month

Why Norfon?




The only Norwegian pronunciation course of this kind



Illustrations, poems, and, tongue- twisters



All aspects of Norwegian pronunciation in 240 themes



Systematic repetition of pronunciation aspects



New content each month

How does the course look like?

NorFon covers all the different aspects of Norwegian pronunciation in 240 themes. Your pronunciation will improve by going through any of them, but the more themes you go through, the better your Norwegian will be.

Course structure

Whole material is divided into 15 chapters.
We see a chapter as something similar to a lesson: e.g. you can go through one chapter in one day. But this is just a recommendation, because it is you who decides about the speed of your learning. Also: it is not important where you start. If you like, you may start from the last chapter and end with the first – however you like.
Each of the chapters may have 16 themes, numbered A, B, C, D and so on.
Each of the themes covers one aspect of the pronunciation:
ASounds – vowels and diphtongs
BSounds – consonants
CSounds – long and short sounds
DConsonant combinations
EOrtography and pronunciation
FSentence intonation, feelings, attitude and pragmatics in intonation
GWord stress and pitch accent
HMinimal pairs of pitch acccent
IPronunciation in group of words
KFocus stress
LStress pyramide
MStress trio
NTongue twister
PRepetition and self test
Each of the themes contains one or several tasks.
Majority of the tasks are sound files with illustration – mostly text.
You need to listen carefully each of them and then – repeat the task in a loud voice. Divide the task in smaller parts – stop the sound file and repeat the sounds until you manage to copy the pronunciation.
Learning a proper pronunciation takes time. Return to each of the tasks and do it again and again.

Sample videos

Is this course for me?

This course is for people who are learning or (more or less) know Norwegian, but don’t have it as their mother tongue. It is best suited to beginners (A1/A2 level) and intermediate users (B1/B2). One language skill in particular tends to be at a lower level than the other skills: pronunciation.

Is it a problem? In many cases – not… but often: yes. Living in a foreign country and gradually turning into a local person is not easy. Due to conscious and unconscious prejudices, foreign accent here definitely does not help, particularly in a job context.

Good pronunciation needs practice: reading instructions, listening and reading out loud. And then, once again. And then repeat until it sounds satisfactory!

NorFon is the right place to do that!

Try NorFon here 7 days for free.


Start learning Norwegian pronunciation now

For individual users

To start the course, visit the registration link and click “Take this Course”. During registration, provide your payment information using Stripe. Once payment is complete, you’ll receive course access. Automatic charges occur every 31 days, starting from your registration date.

To end the course and unsubscribe, complete the form at this link. Your data will be deleted from Oratastic upon submission.

For any questions or payment issues, contact us at info@oratastic.eu. We’re here to help!

For enterprise clients

Enterprises can request group access for students by providing the following information to info@oratastic.eu: company/organization name, contact person, address, number of students, a list of their emails, and the required access duration (e.g., 6 months). Feel free to ask us any questions regarding a potential agreement. 

Once the agreement is finalized and payment is made, we will provide you with a list of access vouchers containing student nicknames and passcodes. Each student can start using their access at any time, and the usage period begins on the day of their registration. Access to the course will expire for each student at the agreed-upon time.

What our clients say 🗣️


“NorFon is very convenient with a good layout and usability. The illustrations are cool. The material is very valuable, and so are the videos with explanations.”

Mohammadreza Alagheband

Individual user
“I have had a very positive experience by the course. the contents were designed impressively and everything is clearly understandable. thanks all who are involved in providing such an amazing course :‌ )”

Ellen Melgård Solstad

Norwegian language teacher
Yrkesrettet norskopplæring (YNO), NAV Nordre Aker
“The NorFon resource is a comprehensive online course that functions great as a supplement to pronunciation teaching in the classroom. The participants can work at home with tasks that support them in achieving better pronunciation. There is plenty of variation in the exercises, and it is easy to find specific tasks that are suitable for the different needs each of the participants has.
Thanks to this resource I now have the possibility to offer my students more effective pronunciation teaching.”


“I like NorFon a lot. Everything is very detailed, with good illustrations, and it is interesting to use it for learning. It helps a lot that I can focus on the differences between my native language and Norwegian so that I can understand more easily what I have to improve in my pronunciation. Very useful!”

Course authors ✏️

Gatis Pāvils

Project Manager, Website Developer

Snorre Karkkonen Svenson

Lead Content Creator

Arciom Savucin

Video Editor, Website Developer

Valeriy Pavlov

Website Programmer


Marta Roķe

Content Creator

Andrea Romanzi

Content Creator

Alise Birnbauma

Content Creator


Nikita Davydov

Content Creator

Ønsker dere å organisere et kurs i norsk uttale?

Ferdig læreropplegg til uttalekurs

Vi har et ferdig opplegg som består av presentasjoner for 16-20 skoletimer med flere hundre lysark. Lærerveiledning med mange forslag til aktiviteter i klasserommet til hver undervisningsbolk og tips om uttaleundervisning følger også med. Materialet fra opplegget kan med stort hell også inkluderes i generell norskundervisning. Dersom det er ønskelig, kan vi også arrangere kurs i uttaleundervisning.
Tilgang til opplegget koster 6000 kroner i året per lærer (ved flere enn 10 lærere er det lavere pris), og det kan brukes i kombinasjon med elevressursen NorFon til lekser.
Læreropplegget har allerede vært i bruk ved voksenopplæringa i Oslo kommune i to år. 

Se gjerne denne videoen om læreres erfaring med bruk av metoden.

Skriv til snorre@valodumaja.lv hvis dere ønsker lærertilganger eller mer informasjon om opplegget.
